- Ever Eden Skincare Set| 2. Baby Shh| 3. Merlin Magic Pajamas| 4. Pampers Sensitive Baby Wipes| 5. Video Baby Monitor| 6. Pampers Swaddle| 7. Honest Diapers| 8. UPPAbaby Vista V2 Stroller| 9. UPPAbaby MESA Car Seat| 10. Dr. Brown Bottle| 11. Bottle Drying Rack| 12. Stroller cup holder + storage bag| 13. Magnetic Me Footie | 14. Otteroo Lumi baby neck hanging float| 15. Bandana Drool bib| 16. WubbaNub pacifier| 17. Big clip| 18. hanging rattles toys| 19. Lovevery’s Play Gym| 20. Hatch Baby Smart Changing Pad| 24. Travel Crib| 25. BABYBJÖRN Carrier| 26. Artipoppe Carrier| 28. BabyBuddha Breast Pump| 29.
It’s true when they say that even though the days seem long, the weeks and months after having a baby go by so quickly. I feel like I just blinked and all of a sudden Nate is almost five months old! Every day since he joined our little family has been such a joy. I don’t know how we could live without him!
Back in October, I posted a roundup of our most used newborn products and got rave reviews, so I thought it would be helpful to share what we still love and updates on other products we find most useful in the 2-4 month stage.
I can’t remember when we stopped swaddling Nate (I’d say it was around 2.5 months – we loved those swaddles, by the way!) But he’s been wearing Merlin’s Magic Pajamas for all his naps and nighttime sleeps ever since. It’s a great transition product for babies because it helps control their startle reflexes like a swaddle, but allows them to move their arms and legs more freely. It’s also very comfortable and snug! I wish they made them in adult sizes!
We still use the Baby Shusher and Hatch Baby Sound Machine + Light from my Newborn Essentials post quite often. The shusher is great for on-the-go because it’s small and easy to throw in your bag for travel or anywhere you need your baby to nap outside of their normal sleeping environment. We placed the Hatch sound generator next to Nate’s crib to provide white noise and a night light. I love controlling the volume and light color directly from the Hatch app on my phone!
Maintaining the status quo
Now that Nate is taking longer naps and falling asleep on his own, we have started using the baby monitor regularly and love this one from Evoz. It’s lightweight, easy to move around, and I love that I can watch him through the app on my phone without being on the same wifi network as the monitor. It also has dual audio so I can talk to Nate through it! PS We also love the Owlet monitor and socks, we use it a lot in our apartment at home, but this is the monitor we brought to Florida and use most often. Can’t go wrong with either one!
Pushchairs and Accessories
I can’t rave enough about our UPPAbaby Vista V2 stroller! It was by far the most recommended to me when I was pregnant and after almost five months of using it, I can see why. The quality and durability is incredible. It comes with two different seating options – a newborn bassinet (which we used for 3 months) and a reversible toddler seat.
A note about the bassinet attachment! It’s so safe for sleeping that many parents will actually use it as their baby’s primary sleeping spot until they need to transfer them to a crib. You can just buy this convertible stand and bassinet clip! It’s awesome, something we used when we visited our grandparents’ house during Nate’s first few months of life. He slept just as well in it as he did in the bassinet in our apartment!
The Vista is also a stroller that will grow with your baby and be used for years to come. I also found it very easy to use – the seat goes in and out with the push of a button and the frame folds in half for easy storage in the trunk of the car. The wheels are heavy duty and work well in all kinds of weather and temperatures.
Some other aspects I like: the large basket underneath is large enough to hold multiple grocery bags, the adjustable handlebars allow both Nick and I to push comfortably, and the option to choose from multiple configurations and add two extra kids.
We haven’t purchased a ton of additional stroller accessories, but we use this cup holder + organizer a lot. It’s only $19.99 on Amazon and attaches to the handlebars of any stroller with Velcro.
Car seat
It was very important to us that any car seat we chose was compatible with our stroller, so we had no trouble purchasing the UPPAbaby MESA car seat. Similar to our thoughts on the Vista, we loved our experience with the Mesa. It’s sturdy, easy to adjust as baby grows, and clips into the Vista stroller frame in seconds.
Baby carriers
I’ve tried a few baby carriers and two of my favorites are the Artipoppe Zeitgeist carrier and the BabyBjörn Baby Carrier Free carrier. Both have a similar fit and wear, but I would say the Artipoppe bag is more like a cocoon – similar to wrapping your baby in fabric. I love that when I hold Nate in it, he’s really comfortable – for weeks, it was the only way I could get him to fall asleep for naps! The BabyBjorn is more of a structured carrier, which is great if you want your baby to be a little more upright. I’d also say it’s better for longer wears thanks to the built-in back and lumbar support.
Which is easier to wear? Once you get the hang of it and adjust the straps to fit you and your baby’s body type, both are easy to use, but the Artipoppe wins immediately. It has three simple clips, while the BabyBjorn has six. I also like the way the Artipoppe bag fully unzips and flips down so you can easily carry your baby out without having to take them out of the carrier. This is how I put Nate in his bassinet without waking him up! With the BabyBjorn, you can’t take your baby out of the house without lifting them up and through the harness.
Some other key differences:
- Artipoppe can hold up to 44 pounds, BabyBjorn can hold up to 26.5 pounds
- Most Artipoppe carriers cost $350, but some patterns and fabrics cost $700-$3,000 or more
- BabyBjorn carriers are more affordable, starting at $159
Baby recliners
Boppy Pillow- Nate is a little too big now, but we used this recliner pillow every day from day one until he was 3.5 months old! It’s the perfect place for little ones to relax in their wake up window and can easily be moved from room to room in your home.
Magnetic Me Footie Pajamas – 2 words: magnetic. Grommets. These were Nate’s longest wearing newborn pajamas to date, and I’ve bought a handful every time he’s gone up a size since then (he’s 3-6 months old now.) The magnetic snaps make them easy to put on and take off + the fabric quality is incredible and has held up well even after countless washes.
Daytime clothes and bibs
Bandana Drool Bibs – Nate started drooling around 3 months, so now I always like to match his outfit with a cute bib. These are super absorbent, come in lots of patterns for boys and girls, and are very easy to put on!
Burts Bees onesies – These are the onesies that Nate wears the most. The prints are simple and cute and can easily be worn with any pants or bottoms. You can get a pack of 5 for only $24!
Baby Jogger Pants Set- I love these baby pants because they actually have covered feet! They are under $20 and come in a variety of colors and patterns. Many of the baby pants are open, depending on the temperature/